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Submission Form - ArtWorld Studio Gallery Photography Prize 2016
Submissions to the ArtWorld Studio Photography Prize 2016 are now closed - thank you to all of our entrants and finalists!
Indicates required field
Phone Number
Upload Photograph
Max file size: 20MB
Please attach a large image of your artwork.
Artwork Title
Year of Creation
Artwork Price
Artwork Dimensions (when printed)
Please carefully read the following contractual terms and conditions outlined by ArtWorld Studio Gallery - if you accept, a copy of the terms and conditions will be provided upon payment of the $30 submission fee:
1.0 Entry Requirements
Any entrant in the ArtWorld Studio Gallery Photography Prize 2016 must:
Be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission
Be an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident of Australia
Have and provide a functional phone number which they regularly access
Have and provide a functional email address which they regularly use
Live in the Brisbane/Queensland region, or be willing and able to safely transport their artwork to ArtWorld Studio Gallery in Norman Park, Brisbane, Queensland
Have personal insurance for their artworks, as ArtWorld Studio Gallery takes no responsibility in the unlikely event of damage.
2.0 Artwork Submission Process
All submissions and fees for the ArtWorld Studio Gallery Photography Prize 2016 must be made online, through the links given at
. All submissions must include the following information:
Full name
Phone number (landline or mobile)
Email address
One large image of the artwork (no smaller than 1000px in length or width)
Artwork dimensions when printed
Artwork title
Year in which artwork was made
Necessary credit card/banking details, provided through the secure Paypal network.
Any additional comments or information are optional.
Once the $30 fee has been paid, the artist will receive a document confirming their entry. If this document is not received, or if the $30 has not been paid, your submission cannot be considered for the ArtWorld Studio Gallery Photography Prize 2016.
Each individual can submit
an unlimited number
of separate artworks, each of which requires a separate online submission. Entry fees are not refunded if artworks are not deemed suitable for the exhibition.
3.0 Artwork Restrictions
Each artwork submitted for the ArtWorld Studio Gallery Photography Prize 2016 must be:
Of adequate size and sensitivity to allow for transport to and from ArtWorld Studio Gallery
A photograph, taken with a camera, and printed to allow for display on the Gallery walls
For-sale, and when sold, subject to a 40% commission rate to ArtWorld Studio Gallery.
4.0 Artwork Selection Process
All successfully submitted and paid-for artworks will be judged by the Owner and Curator of ArtWorld Studio Gallery. The owner will determine the number of artworks that can be displayed comfortably in the Gallery space, and will have selected artworks
in the weeks before the exhibition opens
You will be individually contacted with the outcome of your submission. Please ensure that you check your Spam or Junk folder in the unlikely event of our email being marked as spam or junk. If your artwork is accepted into the Photography Prize Exhibition, the Artwork Transport and Hanging Process will commence. If your artwork is not accepted, we will inform you of the reason, and encourage you to view the exhibition. Note that the $30 submission fee is not refunded in the event of unsuccessful submissions.
Your artworks will be used for promotional purposes for yourself, the Photography Prize, and ArtWorld Studio Gallery.
5.0 Artwork Transport and Hanging Process
If the artist is successful in their submission, their artwork will need to arrive at ArtWorld Studio Gallery no later than 19 February 2016. If the artist lives in the Brisbane/South-East Queensland region, they are expected to deliver the artwork in person by this date. If the artist lives outside this region, they should allow ample time for the delivery of the artwork. As soon as possible, an artist in this situation should contact ArtWorld Studio Gallery regarding their intention to send their artwork by mail, and then send their artwork to the following address:
ArtWorld Studio Gallery
P O Box 3529
Norman Park
Brisbane, QLD 4170.
ArtWorld Studio Gallery staff will hang the artworks as they see fit; the artist will make no direct contribution to the hanging of the artwork. If the artwork requires special hanging instructions, these should be provided with the artwork upon delivery.
Once the exhibition ceases, on 18 March 2016, any unsold artworks should be immediately collected by the artist. ArtWorld Studio Gallery cannot return artworks. Any artworks not collected within 14 days are not the responsibility of ArtWorld Studio Gallery.
6.0 Winning Prizes
The ArtWorld Studio Gallery $250 Photography Prize 2016 will be announced on the Prize-Giving Night, which will take place on the evening of Friday 26 February 2016, unless otherwise advised. Finalists and their extended lists of contacts are encouraged to attend the evening.
Do you agree to the contractual terms and conditions laid out by ArtWorld Studio Gallery?
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Comments (optional)
Note that submitting an artwork to an ArtWorld Studio Gallery Art Prize competition will subscribe you to ArtWorld's regular emailing list, if you are not already on the list.